Your cat can be permanently sterilised through a surgical process known as desexing.

Castration is a popular term for male pets, whereas spaying is the more usual term for female pets. Our clinic in New Zealand performs this procedure often than, and in most cases your cat can return home the same day.

Desexing has several benefits, most important it stops unwanted pregnancy and growth of stray cats across New Zealand. Our clinic and surgical team aim to establish a friendly, professional setting where low-cost desexing is available to anyone. It is recommended that cats come to the clinic early in the morning for the procedure and have not had access to food the previous night. However, they can still have access to some drinkable water in the evening before. In most cases, the cats can be picked up later on the same day following surgery. Staff from our clinic will contact the pet owner to arrange a discharge time after the treatment is complete. The cat will be given a general anaesthetic so that it does not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. When you get your cat desexed we’ll give it a saline drip during the operation and if the pet seems in discomfort after, some pain medicine to take home with you, though mostly this is not needed.

These are some reasons why you should desex your cat:

  • Avoiding the birth of undesired offspring, which can be expensive and it may increase the already large numbers of stray cats which are euthanized annually
  • Protecting male cats from penile and colon cancer and female cats from uterine infections and breast tumours.
  • Reducing hostility to humans and various other animals, particularly among male animals.
  • Becoming less agitated, particularly as a male cat.
  • Being able to have a prolonged and happier life.
  • Municipal cat renewal fees will be reduced.